the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist
“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx
Dec 2, 2024
Workers have the right to file for unemployment benefits when they lose a job. But at least in Illinois, to file for benefits is a huge headache.
Many older workers are not computer trained. Going to the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) website and creating an account sounds easy, but if you’ve filed for benefits before, you don’t remember your password or username.
You won’t be able to create a new account unless you talk to someone. But when you request to talk to them, you will spend many hours on the phone waiting. Or, if you try to make an appointment, a computer will ask you to leave your name and someone will call you back—maybe, in a few days.
If you try to just walk in to the IDES office—they don’t take walk-ins. They say you have to make an appointment—which could be many days of waiting.
If you finally get an appointment, they don’t tell you clearly what documents to bring—not just your Social Security number, but the actual card—and if you claim dependents, you need their Social Security cards too.
All this could be easy if there was a human being to answer the phone and tell you what you need to do—but you don’t learn it until you’re at the office for your appointment, unless you have a friend or coworker who has already had this experience.
Then, to qualify for benefits, you need to publish your resumé on their website—another roadblock for the many workers who are not used to using a computer.
Then, if you misunderstand their questions—like, “were you available to work this week?” and hit no—forget about getting any benefits you are owed.
Workers pay into the unemployment system. It’s our tax money! It should be a simple thing to access for all workers. Instead, between understaffing and putting up all these roadblocks, the State of Illinois keeps workers from the benefits we’ve paid for.