The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Culture Corner:
The Piano Lesson

Dec 2, 2024

Film: The Piano Lesson, directed by Malcolm Washington, 2024, on Netflix

This film is an adaptation of August Wilson’s play of the same name. Denzel Washington bought the rights to produce all ten of August Wilson’s plays. This one is directed by Denzel’s son Malcolm, and stars another son, John David, along with Samuel L. Jackson and Danielle Deadwyler.

The film takes place in Pittsburgh in the 1930s and revolves around the debate of what to do with the family heirloom, a beautiful upright piano with beautiful carvings done by one of their ancestors when he was a slave. The debate around the piano comes to symbolize the debate about how to deal with their traumatic and horrific past. The conflict between the different points of view seems irreconcilable and threatens to destroy them all, but the film shows the way forward is to come together, discuss, listen and engage, and only then can we move forward.