The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Renewable Energy and Broken Promises

Dec 2, 2024

Seven Michigan counties and 72 small townships have banded together to take the State of Michigan to court. Their lawsuit states that the Michigan Public Service Commission—the state agency that “regulates” utility companies—made illegal changes to state law.

The local municipalities say they are being shut out of any local say on large scale wind and solar energy projects. The communities bringing the lawsuit say they are in agreement with renewable energies. They just want the local input they were promised when the law passed.

An attorney representing the local communities said, “So to now have this unelected and unaccountable agency [the Michigan Public Service Commission] trying to redefine what (the law) means is, frankly, a lot of our clients find it offensive.”

In 2023, the Michigan legislature and governor’s office, controlled by the Democratic Party, passed a law giving the Michigan Public Service Commission jurisdiction to speed up local placements of 100-megawatt projects involving solar and wind energy.

Without rejecting green energy, local communities want to retain some say about location, location, location!

The lessons of the tragedy of the Flint water crisis apply here. The lead poisoning of children and adults could have been avoided had the State of Michigan LISTENED to LOCAL Flint water department experts. Instead, state dictatorial powers were used to ignore local warnings about the harm of re-opening the Flint water plant too quickly.

Local communities were promised a say about the exact placement of huge green energy projects. Local communities are damn right to fight for that say!