The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Capitalist Past Is Vicious
—Workers Embody the Future!

Feb 9, 2025

Trump says he wants to go back to “the time when America was great,” the time when William McKinley was president.

So what was it like then, when McKinley was president?

Fortunes were being amassed by the “robber barons” who owned the railroads, the mines and the steel mills. Financial speculators were gobbling up the land. Government finances were used to prop up a failing capitalist system.

Donald Trump and Elon Musk would have felt themselves right at home.

For almost everyone else it was a time of severe deprivation and impoverishment. Almost one out of every five infants died before their first birthday. One out of every hundred women died in childbirth. Few men made it to their 40th birthday—they were condemned to 12 or 14 hours a day in the factories and mines. Less than 7% of children finished high school. Before their tenth birthday, they, too, were working in factories and in mines, where the work deformed their growing skeletons.

In the countryside, work went from sunup to sundown, day after day. Everyone worked, from the youngest to the oldest. Even so, farmers were losing their land to big money speculators.

This was the life of laboring people at the time when McKinley was president, the time that Trump calls “great.”

It was against the law for workers who went out on strike for better wages. They were arrested for trying to organize a union to defend themselves.

In the countryside, when farmers tried to organize to prevent the seizure of their lands, some of them found their barns burnt down to the ground by roving bands of thugs.

For black farmers it was even worse. Night-riders reappeared, taking on the name of the Ku Klux Klan. They would soon spread across the country, from South to North, bringing with them lynch mobs and mobs intent on rape. This new Klan would go on to target not only black people, but also Catholics, Jews, and southern and eastern European immigrants. In the 1890s, the KKK went after farmers who attempted to bring black and white farmers together in one organization. In a few decades, they would go after union organizers.

This is the “great America” that Trump would have us return to. It was an America built on extreme exploitation of laboring people, and on severe repression. And it was built on the rapacious warmongering of a capitalist class that wanted to take as theirs not only what was on this continent, but what was in the world.

The time of McKinley was especially vicious because many workers fell into the trap laid for them, blaming other working people for the problems capitalism dumped on all of them.

This is the situation Trump and his sidekick Elon Musk want to take us back to. See what they are already doing. Musk threatens to take the jobs of millions of government workers, destroying departments that provide some resources or protections to the population: education, labor standards, health and human services, environment, medical research. Trump wants to “own” Gaza, expelling the Palestinians, threatening to use the U.S. military if the Palestinians won’t leave.

Of course, Trump is not the only president who ever took us backwards. Since the economic crisis began in 1970, every president has been trying to dismantle protections that working people through their organizing had forced government to recognize. Every president prepared for more wars.

To the extent that workers in this country put the time of McKinley behind them, they did it with their own struggles, their own mass mobilizations, especially in the 1930s and 1960s, reinforced by the struggles of the black population in those same periods, and by farm-labor organizations.

Working people have the capacity to defend ourselves, to improve everyone’s situation when we organize. Our position at the very center of the economy not only can let us dump the capitalists and their political henchmen. It gives us the means to build a collective society serving everyone.

Working people can embody the future. Why would any of us ever want to go backwards?