The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

U.S. Continues to Bomb Yemen

Oct 14, 2024

On October 4, the U.S. bombed Yemen once again, this time hitting the capital, Sanaa, and the major port city of Hodeidah.

Yemen has been engulfed in a civil war for more than ten years that has killed almost half a million people through violence or famine. Different powers have backed different sides in this civil war: one group, the Houthis, is backed by Iran, while the other side is backed by Saudi Arabia and the U.S.

“In solidarity with the Palestinians,” the Houthis have launched a few missiles at ships travelling near Yemen. They also claim to have launched drones and a missile at Israel, though none appear to have struck a target.

At the same time, throughout the Yemeni civil war, U.S.-made bombs have been regularly dropped by U.S.-made planes on the country’s cities. The U.N. estimated that Saudi Arabia’s bombing of civilian areas in Yemen killed or injured about 20,000 people—carried out with U.S. support, and with U.S.-made weapons. Israel bombed Yemen last month. And for about a year, the U.S. itself has been occasionally bombing the country.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen—the list of Middle Eastern places laid waste by U.S. imperialism and its proxies seems to grow by the day.