The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Working Class Party:
Immigrant Workers Are Part of Our Class

Oct 14, 2024

The Congressional Candidates for Working Class Party in Michigan were asked about immigration in the League of Women Voters Guide for this November 5, 2024, election. The question was: “What recommendations, if any, would you propose to change U.S. immigration policy?” Below, we have reprinted these candidates’ responses:

Liz Hakola, U.S. House, District 1

“Immigrants and U.S.-born workers are all part of the same class and need the same things, such as jobs, affordable housing and a safe place to live, education and health care. The ruling class intentionally spreads lies to drive a wedge between people to create fear and hatred. The U.S. capitalist class created the migration crisis with war and military interventions around the world. By destroying economies in other countries, like Venezuela, it caused ordinary people to flee to safety. The capitalist class is responsible for the chaos and propaganda about ‘invasions’ and ‘open borders.’ It gives them cover to blame immigrants for the problems that workers in the U.S. face.”

Kathy Goodwin, U.S. House, District 8

“All working people must be able to move freely to find the work we need. Corporations benefit when they can underpay workers who are forced to live in the shadows, without documents. All working people need full legal rights so we are not at a disadvantage in the workforce. Dividing the working class between ‘foreign’ and ‘native’ weakens our strength as workers. All who want citizenship should have it!”

Jim Walkowicz, U.S. House, District 9

“We need to stop demonizing immigrants. We are all either immigrants or descendants of immigrants. The politicians are using the fear of immigrants to get elected to hide the real problems that we all face.”

Andrea L. Kirby, U.S. House, District 10

“The United States was founded on the backs of immigrants and slaves. The economic success seen in this country can be attributed to the many immigrant workers that have come here seeking a better life or to escape oppression in their home country. Immigrant workers, like many U.S.-born citizens, simply want to work, contribute to their communities, and provide a safe environment for their families and children. The threat of deportation keeps immigrants in a submissive role, unable to speak up for themselves. Immigrants earn money that they later spend, creating more jobs and revenue. This is a benefit to the community.”

Gary Walkowicz, U.S. House, District 12

“The politicians and the corporate media want us to believe that immigrants are to blame for the lack of affordable housing and good-paying jobs. It’s a lie they want us to believe, to take the blame off the people who are responsible—the corporate elite. They want to keep workers divided against each other. Immigrants don’t come here to work for low wages. They want what all workers want—decent pay. But the bosses use their ‘illegal’ status to threaten them with deportation. It’s a scheme to hold down the wages of both immigrant workers and workers who were born here. If immigrants come here to work, give them full legal status.”

Simone R. Coleman, U.S. House, District 13

“They blame our problems on the immigrants when it’s the bosses and the decisions they make to pay lower wages that are causing the problems. All jobs in the United States should start at a living wage.”

The ONLY clear choice for the working class in this election is the Working Class Party.