The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

U-M President Caught Telling the Truth about Campus Repression

Oct 14, 2024

The University of Michigan President Santa J. Ono was caught on a hot mic explaining that the Federal government has been pressuring him and other university presidents to focus on “antisemitism” on campus—to the exclusion of Islamophobia.

The pro-Palestinian campus group Tahrir Coalition released an audio recording of the president to social media last week. In the recording, Ono says, “The government could call me tomorrow and say in a very unbalanced way, the university is not doing enough to combat antisemitism, and I could say it’s not doing enough to combat Islamophobia, and that’s not what they want to hear, so the whole situation is unbalanced. … The question from Congress is not balanced. It’s focused almost entirely on antisemitism, which I think is an issue, but there’s also Islamophobia as well.”

Also in the audio clip, Ono indicated that the university could lose two billion dollars in federal funding if it doesn’t follow government orders.

The message is clear: the federal government is orchestrating a clamp-down on any protests against Israel’s attacks on Palestine—and calling any such protests “antisemitic.”