The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Owners Screw Fans … Again

Sep 2, 2024

Do you like seeing an NFL team play? Too bad, unless you have plenty of dough. Tickets in 2024 average $160 per person, not including what’s charged for food, parking and t-shirts.

Think you can watch on local TV? No more. Last year, Thursday night football was streamed only for people who bought Amazon Prime.

It’s all about the dough. NFL team owners are the billionaires who control the Dallas Cowboys, the New England Patriots, the Kansas City Chiefs, the New York Jets, etc. Their money comes from how much they have already screwed all of us. These people own Microsoft, Ford, Johnson and Johnson, Hunt Oil, and many other big companies. We already paid to make them millionaires and billionaires in the first place!