The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Chicago Nurses Strike Near DNC

Sep 2, 2024

The day the DNC opened, hundreds of nurses picketed University of Illinois Hospital on the near westside just blocks from the Convention Center.

They were angry at contract stalling tactics and unfair labor practices. The nurses are sick of overwork and walked off the job demanding better staffing, decent pay raises, and safer working conditions.

The 5-day strike was timed to coincide with the DNC to put a national spotlight on their issues and build public support.

But the DNC wasn’t paying attention to the striking nurses and ignored them instead. Not a word of support came from inside the Convention Center and nobody from inside joined them on their picket line. Because any attention to protests outside detracted from the slick marketing campaign the Democrats were orchestrating inside.