The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Culture Corner:
Mountains & Master Slave Husband Wife

Sep 2, 2024

Film: Mountains, directed by Monica Sorelle, 2024

This is a full-length documentary by Haitian-American filmmaker Monica Sorelle about the Little Haiti community in Miami. The area faces encroaching gentrification.

The film’s title, Mountains, is taken from a Haitian proverb, “Behind mountains, there are more mountains.” One obstacle is overcome, but there are ever more obstacles.

The film gives a sensitive portrayal of a working class family experiencing these changes firsthand. It was filmed with a Haitian-American cast and dialogue in Haitian Creole. It is being released nationwide in select theaters now, available for streaming later this year.

Book: Master Slave Husband Wife: An Epic Journey From Slavery to Freedom, by Ilyon Woo, 2023

The non-fiction book is a suspenseful account of a married couple who make a four-day journey to escape from slavery to the North from Macon, Georgia. The light-skinned woman dresses as a young ailing privileged gentleman seeking medical care in Boston, accompanied by her slave, who was, in reality, her husband.

The author excels at setting scenes, conjuring the sensations experienced by Mr. and Mrs. Craft at each harrowing point. She describes in vivid detail each city they passed through, the first-class travel, the hotels and restaurants for the rich, surrounded by the slave markets and the jails that serve the slave trade.

The couple makes it to Boston and joins the anti-slavery community. Their story attracts the attention of the nation, and their former masters try to capture them using the Slavery Fugitive Law of 1850. You see the collective resistance repelling their capture. But they are in grave danger, so they go to England. You even see them return to the post-civil war South.