The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Women Being Pushed Out

Oct 26, 2020

In September alone, 627,000 women left the U.S. workforce. This is eight times the number of men that left during the same period.

With the COVID-19 virus loose and tearing up communities across the U.S., working women have been forced to leave work to step in where the system is failing to protect families. We have to care for kids, mostly, who can’t go to school. But also for sick or well husbands, and elders who are stuck with inadequate care in facilities or who are at home depending on us.

What have the capitalists done with the money that was used pre-COVID for these care issues now that schools are facilities are shut down? Why aren’t they rerouting tax money and corporate handouts to us so that we can address these issues?

How will we find our way back out of this triple-plus exploitation at home (love and support, home maintenance, teaching, nursing) and reenter the workforce if we have to leave? How do we demand our right to be human and have our own income so as not to be dependent on men or on this blank-up, don’t-care government?

These are questions only we can answer between ourselves, but better sooner than later.