the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist
“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx
Jan 20, 2025
Chicago’s School Board has been negotiating with the Teacher’s Union for months. Very little has come of it, so far.
One of the main things the union is asking for is 20 minutes of “prep time” for elementary school teachers. Before Rahm Emanuel became mayor, elementary teachers had 30 minutes before every school day to get their classroom set up before students came in. Any parent can understand that—it only makes sense to be ready and settled before teaching 30 children. But Emanuel insisted on lengthening the school day without additional staff. Meaning the teachers’ work day now begins at the same time that students walk in. It has meant higher burnout and turnover for teachers since.
The union, pushed by teachers, demands to have 20 minutes of prep time put back into the school day. The school board replies that they do not want to shorten the day, and that they cannot afford to hire any additional staff. The School Board is offering raises, but they are saying they can’t do anything else that costs money.
Backing the Board up, the Civic Federation, a political organization of Chicago’s ruling class, threatened Chicago Public Schools with a state takeover if they spend too much on students. It’s like they’re saying: “You can have raises for staff, or prep time, but definitely not both.” They balk at this small thing, and totally rule out providing the resources for an education like they have in the wealthy suburbs.
Chicago is a wealthy city—a quick glance at the miles of gleaming skyscrapers is all you need to see that. But the ruling class has never been willing to spend money on the schools to provide a decent education to the city’s working-class students. Nonetheless, the money IS there.
The working class, starting with the school workers and parents, could wage a fight to put more money into the schools. That’s the only way—the union’s months of negotiating have not and will not do it alone. And so long as the ruling class runs this society, we can count on them to neglect our schools.