The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Washington, D.C.:
Water Water Everywhere

Jan 20, 2025

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), the local water authority, finally lifted its recommendation for its 1.9 million customers to limit water use. Starting Sunday, customers were told to flush toilets less, not use dishwashers and washing machines, etc. The company said it responded to 63 breaks and leaks by Monday morning.

Why so many? WSSC says its goal is to have “only” 34 service interruptions due to water main breaks for every 100 miles of water mains.

What? We pay high prices for water and we assume they do something with the money like replacing old pipes instead of just waiting for them to burst!