The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Kathy Goodwin WCP Convention Remarks

Aug 5, 2024

Special thanks to all of our new candidates. I am just thrilled to have a record number of candidates.

And speaking from experience, it’s just living your life in a brave way, living your life as a truthful person, living your life as a fighter, living your life who speaks truth to power.

You are campaigning every day, and the biggest thing that I learned from being a candidate the first time was how much people are so sick and tired of being sick and tired.

They’re so happy to see somebody else who gets it like they get it.

They’re so happy to see somebody who has hope, somebody who’s not attacking another person, another party.

We’re talking about the future, we’re talking about the power of the working class.

You see it, this is kind of an example, whenever there’s a “natural disaster.” The ordinary people are the only ones who save lives.

It’s just like a switch is flipped, and people who were in the flood are saved, people who would be in danger from being trapped in the tornado, all the neighbors come out, they go through the neighborhood, they get all the trees down.

It’s just like people kind of understand that the government is not there for us, that only we are here for us, and that’s what we reinforce by being Working Class Party candidates, that’s what we reinforce when we campaign, the power of the working class, just helping more people to move this much further ahead to understanding their own power.

Society wants working class people to be victims. It’s always, “Oh, these poor, poor people.”

No, we are the people who do every job in the world.

The working class makes the whole world run.

We can make the whole world stop.

But right now, we just need to help more people around us to understand our real power.