The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Biden Transition to Harris Shows it’s Not Just About a Candidate

Aug 5, 2024

No sooner had Biden named Harris his successor than everyone else in the Party closed ranks around her. All top Congressional Democrats endorsed her, including Nancy Pelosi. The Clintons endorsed her. And then, Barack Obama himself, and his wife Michelle, endorsed her in a staged video call.

It all culminated in a virtual vote, a week before the Democratic Convention, in which Harris was the only one on the ballot.

In two weeks’ time, the entire Democratic apparatus transferred from Biden to Harris. And not only the Democratic apparatus, but the entire liberal media fell in line. Harris became, in record time, the party’s nominee.

So much attention is being focused on the individual qualities of the two candidates. But clearly, the Democratic apparatus is working like a well-oiled machine to continue its administration—that is, to continue to represent the capitalist system in its entirety, from economic decisions to war decisions to running day-to-day business for the capitalists.

While they hint at and promise that her tenure will be kinder and gentler, they are really lining up for business as usual—a future where workers pay and the rich play.