the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist
“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx
May 18, 2009
Diane Bukowski, a reporter for the Michigan Citizen, was convicted on two felony counts of assaulting, resisting and obstructing the police. Bukowski was arrested while taking photos after the cops struck and killed both a motorcyclist they were chasing and a bystander.
Bukowski is someone with a history of exposing police corruption, violence, brutality, as well as the protection that prosecutors have given to the police.
The judge, prosecutors and the cops took this opportunity to throw the book at her. Every one of them is complicit in this blatant attempt to shut her up.
The police arrested Bukowski for stepping over a police line. Bukowski had photos on her camera that would have shown she had not crossed the line, but a cop at the scene took the camera and destroyed them. When the case came to court, Bukowski’s defense showed television footage of her arrest showing that Bukowski did nothing to resist.
The judge disallowed any testimony that would have shown the jury why Bukowski was at the scene taking photos and cut off Bukowski’s own testimony when her defense attorney tried to cross- examine her.
Prosecutors had previously tried twice to get Bukowski to plead down on the charges against her, but she refused. She vows to continue to fight her conviction, which is nothing but a support for brutal police who want to send a message that they’re going to go after any reporter who tries to show them for what they are.
Contributions to the Committee to Support Diane Bukowski can be sent to: 1055 Trumbull, Detroit, MI 48216.