The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Return-to-the-Office Policy Is Costly

Jan 6, 2025

From Blue Cross Blue Shield to AT&T, from Amazon office workers to Ford salaried employees, more and more major employers have been putting into place a return-to-the-office policy after the COVID work-from-home years.

Wait a minute! What’s missing from the equation, with this change back to brick and mortar? The work-from-home set-up saved people time and money on childcare, gas, wear and tear on their cars, etc. Parents have not had to worry about who is taking or picking up the older kids from school. Especially for layers of the laboring population whose wages really weren’t sufficient to cover the several hundred dollars or more in weekly daycare costs for each child; or more for infants and toddlers; or the after-school babysitter costs.

So now, how’s it supposed to work, financially AND logistically, just because employers have decided it’s time to come back?!

Well, if it’s time to come back, it’s high time that corporations either provide in-house child care centers, for free, if they want their employees to come into work. OR, it’s high time that corporations pay higher wages so workers can afford child care costs.