The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Shortage of Services Caused by Who?

Sep 16, 2024

Many migrants are arriving in areas where services were already stripped to the bone.

Migrant children need to learn English—but the schools in the working class areas already don’t have enough teachers.

Children arrive with psychological problems from trauma—but there aren’t nearly enough counselors to help the kids already here.

Migrants arrive with no place to stay, but the homeless shelters are already overfull and understaffed.

Migrants need medical treatment, while the medical system that serves working class people is already underfunded and understaffed.

So, working class people are being encouraged to blame the migrants for taking the few resources available.

In reality, this country has plenty of money to ensure an excellent education, healthcare, and housing for all. That money has been stolen by the corporations and the wealthy capitalist class that owns them. They turn every pot of government money into a cash machine. They privatize what they can and cut the rest. They use one loophole after another to avoid paying taxes.

When workers and poor people fight over the crumbs the billionaires drop, it just lets the rich keep on eating the whole cake.