The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

A Bible in Every Classroom Won’t Teach Kids How to Read

Jul 1, 2024

Oklahoma’s state superintendent mandated that all public schools teach the Bible. “Immediate and strict compliance is expected,” Ryan Walters’ memo ordered. Walters claims: “the Bible is a necessary historical document to teach our children about the history of this country.”

This mandate comes on the heels of Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signing a law directing all public schools in the state to display the Ten Commandments.

Louisiana has the fifth lowest literacy rate in the country. In Oklahoma, 43% of the population reads at a 7th grade level or lower. Both public school systems are near the bottom compared with other public school systems with regards to educating their children.

Working-class children need to learn how to read and write. They need to learn math, and they need to learn science. Both these school districts are failing to do this. Teaching religion in school will not fix this problem. Our children deserve to be educated. Education should not just be for children from wealthy families. Our children should get to learn about evolution and plate tectonics and physics just like the rich kids do.