The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Ostracizing Unvaccinated Workers

Nov 22, 2021

A labor union that represents Montgomery County government employees filed an unfair labor practice charge against Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, over their treatment of unvaccinated workers. Almost 90 unvaccinated workers are now required to report to two work sites in the Maryland suburbs north of Washington, D.C. Vaccinated employees of the park system are reporting to different work sites throughout the county. These workers work outside, where there have not been cases of Covid-19 spreading.

The commission rolled out this separation policy, which now has unvaccinated workers clustered together with no Covid-19 testing in place. But how is this policy really safer for anyone? The truth is, it is not. It puts workers more at risk by ostracizing workers who haven’t gotten the vaccine.