The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Only Ones Not Paying Are Boeing Big Cheeses

Feb 17, 2020

When Boeing announced its plan to halt production of the 737 Max line, it insisted none of its employees would be laid off or furloughed. But companies within its supply chain are rolling out mass layoffs across the U.S., according to the Guardian. In one case, Spirit AeroSystems in Wichita, Kansas, which manufactures important pieces for Boeing, like fuselages and cockpit sections, laid off 2,800 employees this year. Other Boeing subcontractors have also laid off or are planning to lay off more workers.

One laid off Spirit worker said,

“I’m worried about my bills and how I am going to pay them. I’m going through the struggle of finding a job, which is hard enough here in Wichita without 2,800 others also looking.”
Another worker said,
“Right now what we are going through is confusion, anger, sadness—because we have families to provide for, and our income runs out on March 10. Trying to find a job which may be in another state means spending money to move.”

But, Boeing’s big cheeses are still enjoying this life, without any trace of such worries or remorse. When chief executive Dennis Muilenburg resigned shortly after the company announced 737 Max production would be suspended, Boeing awarded Muilenburg with a 62-million-dollar payout.

All companies will have to take the necessary steps to ensure future revenues and business stability. Sadly, this means more layoffs. No work means a reduced workforce. It would seem the only ones not paying for Boeing’s mistakes is Boeing,” said one worker. Yes, we do agree: that’s capitalism.