the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist
“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx
Sep 16, 2019
Donald Trump came to Baltimore on September 12th ... very briefly. His motorcade whisked him into downtown to a swanky hotel to give a private dinner speech to Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives. Along the way he was jeered, cussed and given the finger by hundreds of people.
Many people in Baltimore wonder why Trump even wanted to come to Baltimore at all, after calling the city a “rat and roach infested mess” just a few weeks ago. He gave a rambling 68-minute speech boasting of his “accomplishments” to his Republican supporters. And he once again blamed the terrible conditions in much of the city on Baltimore’s corrupt Democratic politicians.
But many people in Baltimore know the city has had both corrupt Democratic and corrupt Republican politicians over the years–supported by the same corrupt rich people. They know that in Washington, not far from the White House, and in every other big city in the country, there are similar horrible conditions. And they also know Maryland now has a Republican governor who takes from the poor to give to the rich like all the top Democrats and Republicans before him.
So Trump didn’t dare give a public speech in Baltimore or even just meet ordinary people on the street.
It’s not surprising that many people feel that Trump is not welcome in Baltimore.