The Spark

the Voice of
The Communist League of Revolutionary Workers–Internationalist

“The emancipation of the working class will only be achieved by the working class itself.”
— Karl Marx

Ferndale Michigan:
March against Bigotry

Dec 5, 2016

Three young women in Ferndale, Michigan got together with friends to organize a march of all who felt threatened or fearful after the election. After the divisions of Donald Trump’s venomous presidential campaign, they felt they had to speak up. They hoped for a few dozen people, but over a thousand showed up!

Before the march, when Trump supporters pressured the organizers to cancel their “hate” march, they renamed it the “love” march. They invited Trump supporters to attend–if in agreement with the march’s message of human solidarity.

Even though organizers changed the original march route so workers trying to get to their jobs would not be late because of a bus detour, the march started on time. Many homemade signs spoke out against racism, sexism, attacks on immigrants and homophobia.

At a gathering concluding the march, an energetic high school senior addressed the crowd. “Growing up in a biracial multi-cultural household has giving me perspective....My mom always taught me to have candid strength when voicing my opinions....and to never let anyone try to shut you up....We are standing together as one. When we do that, we are unstoppable.